Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Section 3 question

In the beginning of the class, a lot of us are either tired, sick, or bored. As result, Mr. Schick gave us reading assignment as classwork instead of taking notes with PPT

Section 2 Review

1. The colonist felt very angry about the proclamation since it had impair their benefit dramatically.

2. The colonist protest British laws and acts by not purchasing British goods, refuse paying taxes, and forming a protest group called the Sons of Liberty. 

3. I will write protest letters and calling other colonist to sign it.

4. Now is the critical moment in making decision. We either strengthen our mind to fight the vicious British for our glorious freedom, or retreat over and over again until we are completely unable to fight like a frog in the hot water. If both of them will result death and casualties, then we shall rely on the one which is worth more to risk. 

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