Monday, October 31, 2016

Today, we worked on reading the textbook and the questions since Mr. Schick was still in Chicago. Below are questions from page 48 to 51

  1. What goods and services were in colonial towns? 
    1. Goods: Vegetables, meat, eggs, quilts and baskets.  
    2. Services: Gristmill, sawmill, church
  2. How was the town common used? - 
    1. The town common was used for villagers to share and for gathering building to be built around.
  3. What were two of the important colonial cities?
    1. Philadelphia
    2. Boston

Section 2 Review
  1. What kind of towns were in colonial America?
    1. Large trade town
    2. Port town
  2. What is New England town meeting?
    1. The meeting is for people to elect leaders and vote on laws for the town
  3. If you were educated person living in a colonial city, what new ideas might you be talking about?
    1. Adding post office 
    2. Establishing insurance company
  4. You are a farmer in colonial America. Write a list of things you can do when you go to town.
    1. Buy foods
    2. Trade goods
    3. Borrow some books for leisure
    4. Check out the fancy-awesome street light in Philadelphia
    5. Go to Church and pray for God
    6. Go to gristmill
    7. Go to sawmill. 

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